ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Task: Export Web Map

Display Name: Export Web Map

Description: This tool takes the state of a web application (for example, included services, layer visibility settings, and client-side graphics) and returns a printable page layout or basic map of the specified area of interest., The input for Export Web Map is a piece of text in JavaScript object notation (JSON) format describing the layers, graphics, and other settings in the web map. The JSON must be structured according to the ExportWebMap specification in the ArcGIS Help., This tool is shipped with ArcGIS Server to support web services for printing, including the preconfigured service named PrintingTools. The ArcGIS web APIs for JavaScript, Flex and Silverlight use the PrintingTools service to generate images for simple map printing.


Help URL:

Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeSynchronous


Supported Operations:   Execute Task